El Último Día De Nuestras Vidas (english Translation) Lyrics - Dani Martín
Let’s Check Out The El Último Día De Nuestras Vidas (english Translation) Lyrics by Dani Martín. It is a New Song of the Year 2024. Its Beautiful Lyrics Are Written By Dani Martín & Paco Salazar.
El Último Día De Nuestras Vidas (english Translation)
Written By
Dani Martín & Paco Salazar
El Último Día De Nuestras Vidas (english Translation) Lyrics
Today is the last day of our lives
Today is the last day of our lives
[Verse 1]
Let's sleep in Paris
Let's play Dom Perignon
Fair l'amour at the Hotel Costes
I want to tour New York, get drunk in Berlin
Let this night not end
I want you to go crazy
And for you to touch yourself while I drive
A 911 on the way down the west coast
And stop at a beach in Bibles Beach
Let's go around the world
Let's forget about everything Madrid
Let's make up that today is the last
The last day of our life here
Let's go around the world
I want you to forget, just think about you
Let's laugh at the future
Let this be what's left to live
[Verse 2]
I want to be able to get fat, for you to do it too
Let's not care about silhouettes
I want a normal life, that we don't want to pose
If it doesn't work out, you're screwed
I want you to go crazy
And for you to touch yourself while I I drive
a 911 down the west coast
and stop at a beach in Bibles Beach
Let's go around the world
Let's forget about everything Madrid
Let's make up that today is the last
The last day of our life here
Let's go around the world
I want you to forget, just think about you
Let's laugh at the future
Let this be what's left to live
Today is the last day of our life
Today is the last day of our lives
Today is the last day of our life
Today is the last day of our lives
Because today is the last day of our lives
Because today is the last day of our lives
Of our lives
Of our lives
Because today is the last day of our lives
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