Ameri (english Translation) Lyrics - Duki
Let’s Check Out The Ameri (english Translation) Lyrics by Duki. It is a New Song of the Year 2024. Its Beautiful Lyrics Are Written By Duki, Asan, Yesan 雪山, Zecca & MIKE DEAN..

Ameri (english Translation)
Written By
Duki, Asan, Yesan 雪山, Zecca & MIKE DEAN.
Ameri (english Translation) Lyrics
[Lyrics of "Ameri"]
How can I not feel good about everything that life gives me?
It's been a long time since I let what I feel be my guide
Ameri is the place I dream of taking you one day
A rose in your mole unites your soul with mine
How can I not feel good about everything that life gives me?
I let what I feel be my guide a long time ago
Ameri is the place I dream of taking you one day
A rose in your mole unites your soul with mine
[Verse 1]
I-I spend my time teaching, trap is my university
I spend my time hitting like a Christmas tree
Asan, Yesan with Zecca, it's the Holy Trinity ( Sike! )
Every June 24th is a national holiday
I was a hater and now I'm a fan, personality disorder
Better not give me the gun, I have the skill
I never changed, there was no plan B and I had a chance I
gave a chance to the impossible mission
A warrior doesn't bend when he feels pain
Even if he's about to lose everything, he never loses his honor
If I fall, I get up, that's the mentality
If my people are okay, I don't have a weakness
How can I not feel good about everything that life gives me?
It's been a long time since I let what I feel be my guide
Ameri is the place where I dream of taking you one day
A rose in your mole unites your soul with mine (With mine)
[Verse 2]
And it's getting late
Life has already given me like nine hundred chances
Now I have in my hand what I didn't have within reach
Everyone knows that Duko is here to stay (He's here to—)
And it's getting late
Time with my mom is more and more important
Wanting to beat death at this point is ignorant
I enjoy what I have like I never did before
A warrior doesn't bend when he feels pain
Even if he's about to lose everything, he never loses his honor
If I fall, I get up, that's the mentality
If my people are okay, I don't have a weakness
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