Noviogangsta ˂3 (english Translation) Lyrics - Emilia

Let’s Check Out The Noviogangsta ˂3 (english Translation) Lyrics by Emilia. It is a New Song of the Year 2024. Its Beautiful Lyrics Are Written By Emilia..

Noviogangsta ˂3 (english Translation) Lyrics by Emilia


Noviogangsta ˂3 (english Translation)



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Noviogangsta ˂3 (english Translation) Lyrics

[Lyrics of "noviogangsta ˂3"]

When I saw his bad-boy face
I fall in love and I couldn´t deny it
My eyes had never seen something so perfect
With his tattoos, he overshadowed the rest

He starts his morning with a dose of weed (Oh)
The Glock under his pillow before he goes to sleep (Ah)
Even though we are different, I know he is made for me
If I prepare him his Sprite, he mixes it with lean (Au!)

Because I have a gangsta boyfriеnd
He has everything I likе
I want to show him off, nobody´s ever loved me like this
Even if he is a gangsta boyfriend
He lights it up and passes it to me
Red eyes because of the zaza
Since I´ve met him, I´ve healed his scar
Because he is my gangsta boyfriend (Gang-Gang-Gang-Gangsta, gangsta)

Many want to copy his style, but he is unique
We hide from the paparazzi, canon event
Haters, if you see us pass in front of us, stage fright
He was my crush and now he´s with me, platonic love
I´m looting, I´m very fortunate (Ey)
I´ve never had such a pretty boyfriend (You know)
Nobody makes me feel this satisfaction (Okey)
I hope my father never listens to this song (Oh, no)
He makes it seem easy (Ey)
Whatever he wears, he looks fancy (Goddamn)
I like him (Ey), I trust him (Ey)
I hope he never makes me go to therapy

There´s nothing like his kisses during dawn
Hopes he cooks dinner for me with all the details
What we have is eternal, like a tattoo on the face
I´m not afraid of anything anymore (Au!)

Because I have a gangsta boyfriend
He has everything I like
I want to show him off, nobody´s ever loved me like this
Even if he is a gangsta boyfriend
He lights it up and passes it to me
Red eyes because of the zaza
Since I´ve met him, I´ve healed his scar
Because he is my gangsta boyfriend (Gang-Gang-Gang-Gangsta, gangsta)

Gangsta, gangsta
He is my gangsta boyfriend, gangsta
He is my gangsta boyfriend, gangsta
Because he is my gangsta boyfriend

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