Qué Fuimos (english Translation) Lyrics - Grupo Firme & Hernán Sepulveda

Let’s Check Out The Qué Fuimos (english Translation) Lyrics by Grupo Firme & Hernán Sepulveda. It is a New Song of the Year 2024. Its Beautiful Lyrics Are Written By Grupo Firme - Hernán Sepulveda.

Qué Fuimos (english Translation) Lyrics by Grupo Firme & Hernán Sepulveda


Qué Fuimos (english Translation)

Written By

Grupo Firme - Hernán Sepulveda

Qué Fuimos (english Translation) Lyrics

What do I say when they ask me what we were?
Because what you and I lived, I don't know if it was real!
I can't forget you and the truth is I don't want to
And although the memory is not enough for me
Yes, it helps me to assimilate, that destiny did not want us together
And that although I was your safe place, getting there on time was not possible!

Tell me, what was it that we lacked?
Every kiss that your little mouth gave me tasted true!
Oh, I don't understand, why did we get lost?
We were all without being anything and it is known
You looked better with me
If friends don't kiss each other then what
were we?
If friends don't kiss each other then
what were we?

Tell me, what was it that we lacked?
Every kiss that your little mouth gave me tasted true!
Oh, I don't understand, why did we get lost?
We were all without being anything and it is known
You looked better with me
If friends don't kiss each other then
what were we?
If friends don't kiss each other then
what were we?

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