Cuídamela Bien (english Translation) Lyrics - Pepe Aguilar

Let’s Check Out The Cuídamela Bien (english Translation) Lyrics by Pepe Aguilar. It is a New Song of the Year 2024. Its Beautiful Lyrics Are Written By Pepe Aguilar.

Cuídamela Bien (english Translation) Lyrics by Pepe Aguilar


Cuídamela Bien (english Translation)

Written By

Pepe Aguilar

Cuídamela Bien (english Translation) Lyrics

It's not new news that she's with you
The world knows it well, everyone is a witness
Time passed so quickly and my ANGEL Someone else snatched me away
And the bandit won't show his face

I'm going to be very clear, do things right
Because, son, this isn't for outlaws
And I know it's easy to be a bastard, I've been in that situation myself
But he who stays is more of a man

And I'm sorry
If I'm a little rough
It's because I got
The lucky kid won

Take good care of
her You've already fallen in love with her, you've already taken her away, what am I going to do?
It's never that she was mine and I already knew that I was going to lose her
And luckily for you now she's with you, may it go well
Take good care of her
Maybe she's not perfect, but I assure you that she knows how to love
Roses were enough for my pride to fall at your feet
And I give you some advice head on, if you love her well

Don't change her
Because you're very good at it

When you brought her roses I acted strong
And at the serenades I couldn't run away
The eagle has already taken off and the one who DOESN'T GIVE His face now gave it
I admit that you give it to love you

And I'm sorry
If I'm a little rough It's because a lucky kid
gave it to me In the mother Take good care of her Here Where They See Me, Bottle After Bottle, I Don't Care Well Well , nothing, kid, you took the best woman from the old man And how lucky that she's now with you, may it go well for you Love her, you bastard Show the world that you got the direction and you have a heart Make her as happy as I always wanted to make her in life And in the eye of the storm, For my part I give you my blessing and I will always wish the best for your relationship.

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