Kujo Beat Down Lyrics - Ren
Let’s Check Out The Kujo Beat Down Lyrics by Ren. It is a New Song of the Year 2024. Its Beautiful Lyrics Are Written By Ren.

Kujo Beat Down
Written By
Kujo Beat Down Lyrics
[Intro: Ren]
[Verse 1: Ren & Dark Ren]
I'm trying to be the person who is rightly doing right
Who is right there on the righteous path no wrong in words I write
But the forces out there test me Ren, I'm trying to find the path
That forgive all those who test my will, there's trouble in my heart
What the fuck you little pussy? This ain't Hi Ren number two
This ain't pendulums or songs of hope, that cunt took from you
And the last time we did this the hope did prevail
Now that hope is the rope that will choke a bitch pale
No, no, just wait, just wait, just wait a sec
'Cause thеre's nothing to be gained whеn you sever the neck
I know the art is a part of your heart, so you're upset
But this hate breeds hate, please wait, jeez Ren
I'm gettin' pretty sick of the sick boi tryna be the "it" boy
Tryna be the, "I'm so morally equipped" boy
Face it, you're mad as fuck Ren
Now let me cut this worm with my razor blade pen
Ugh, fuck it
[Instrumental Break]
[Verse 2: Dark Ren]
Hi, Kujo! Please don't try to struggle, hear me out
See I'm on your side really, well I was until I found
You could get a little greedy, push your luck a little far
There's a moral, little Jimmy, of the cookie in the jar
See the needy and the greedy, they're just trying to fill a hole
So they take and then they take and still they're empty in their soul
They feel so hard done by, poor little you
Want to take from me, bitch? Then I'll take from you, too
[Instrumental Break]
[Verse 3: Dark Ren]
Shut up, slut! You've said enough, I thought you said you like it rough?
I thought you said she liked it rough, but you're a bitch man, what the fuck?
I'm confused by this dynamic, like it's Bonnie and it's Clyde
But the killing you're committing is career suicide
Woah, guys, you probably think that this is extreme?
I won't lie, maybe just a little bit mean
You know I, feel a little bad about it really
Nah, I'm only messing, lad, I love to spank the greedy
Fear me, I hope you wake up sweating from your nightmares
See me, I'm the sick boi that you enslaved
Free me, when you fuck with my work you might as well
Bleed me, I put my whole soul into my words
Legally, now a little thief want beef, want steal from me
That's how little thief lose teeth, you meal to me
I'm the subject matter you are part of the scenery
This is how the sick boi work, you feeling me?
Cunt, I'm sick with the pen, I went easy on the Dotta
He's a friend, it's zen, but if I ever hear your mouth speak the name of Ren
Out in public, then it's public, you don't want that again
And a warning for your bitch of a girlfriend, too
Misses nice behind the scenes, "poor Kujo, boohoo"
If I ever read another fucking comment from you
Then this is only part one, it's even worse in part two
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